Sunday, December 23, 2012

WTA Work Party - Tiger Mountain

December 23, 2012

This was Andy and my first time volunteering with the WTA. Trail work parties start at 8:30am and go until 3:30pm or so. You can volunteer, too! Despite getting only 3 hours of sleep, waking up not so sober, having one hash brown for breakfast and no lunch, and showing up late, we had an awesome time! I would have never really understood how much work it takes to build and maintain trails had I not come to a trail work party. On this particular Sunday before Christmas, there were 20 volunteers. Each of us carried two tools - a shovel, a grubber, etc.. in our hands and hiked up to the designated maintenance areas. We split up on the way up. Andy and I were stationed at the last stop a couple miles in where we worked on rerouting a section of trail and moved some signs. Luckily, no one was run over by the logs we threw down! Trail maintenance takes so much work - I can't wait to do it again!

All photos from John's (volunteer leader dude) Picasa:
Taking a break on the way up

One of the groups worked on this staircase

They did a great job. So cool!

Beast of a Cedar tree smack dab in the middle of the new trail we were building. Took those guys ALL day to cut into it. I got to use an old school saw to saw through it. One guy on the other side back and forth until we cut nearly all the way through. I wish I brought my camera.

This is the trail we built. It was all vegetation before. We replanted some ferns afterwards which made the new trail look a lot nicer.

Washing our tools in the stream on our way out