Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wonderland Trail Day 6 - Nickel Creek to Longmire

August 28, 2014

We made it to our last day! I woke up excited to start the day early so we could get to Longmire to clean up, snack on the sour candies and chips stashed in my car and head home. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this experience every step of the way, but I was also looking forward to going home.

Other than really awful stomach cramps (too much oatmeal?) this last day wasn't too spectacular. We did run in to a couple who recognized us.... well, my bright backpack.. from a few days back. They were halfway done with the Wonderland Trail.

Deep crevasse

We took a quick snack break at Reflection Lake. It was peaceful here with just a couple parked cars at the lot. It was a nice day, too, but lingering clouds obstructed the views of Mt. Rainier and I'm guessing its reflection in the lake.

A few minutes earlier I noticed a bee land on my left arm. Careful not to make any sudden movements, it stung me anyways and flew away. What the heck?! What a JERK bee! It was on my arm for all of 5 seconds just to sting me? I've never been stung before. There was a tingling stinging sensation in my arm for 15 minutes and it barely got swollen. Andy just laughed and told me he used to get stung all the time. Well good for you, but this isn't helping the pain :P I sulked while I ate my Cliff Bar and Andy dried out our tent.

First bee sting. Jerk bee.

And finally:
 :D   WE DID IT   :D
Five days and five nights on the trail is hard. This was one of the most challenging things I've ever done. We've spent five days hiking before, but that was several years ago in the Olympics and I think we covered about 20 miles. I'm so proud of us and still am. Can't wait for our next long adventure. We're thinking some PCT section hikes.

Total miles: 13.3 miles
Total time on trail (including breaks): 7.5 hours