Monday, January 20, 2025

Kendall Peak Lakes

January 20, 2025

Took advantage of the gorgeous weather and day off work to snowshoe Kendall Peak Lakes starting from Gold Creek Sno-Park. We arrived at the trailhead at 8:40 am where there was plenty of parking along the road and a few honey buckets. With the recent sunny, dry weather and also from reading trip reports it appeared snowshoes wouldn't be necessary so we left the snowshoes and poles in the car and headed onto the trail with just our traction spikes. Probably could've gotten by without them but I think they helped some with the long, steady climb up and also down.

The route was easy to follow and we made it up to the first of three lakes in 90 minutes. It was warm and clear at the top with views of Keechelus Lake and Mount Rainier. Great lunch spot to enjoy our thermos of tomato soup, cheez-its, and beef jerky. 

We headed back down after reaching the first lake and didn't take the south detour to the other viewpoint. Lots of people and dogs on the way up as we headed down around noon and so many families with children sledding on the trail as we approached the trailhead and parking lot. Very fun and popular area! We completed 8 miles in just under three hours. We're so lucky to have this only an hour from home.

Easy to follow compacted snow trail all the way up

Flaky snow reminded me of panko

View at the top with Keechelus Lake and Mt. Rainer

Lunch spot with a view shown in previous photo. Andy was working on a piece of beef jerky.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Lake Padden

January 11, 2025

Lake Padden is an area we hadn't visited before so decided to give it a shot. We were looking for a change of scenery and really enjoy visiting Bellingham. Started at the off-leash trailhead which looked relatively new, or newly landscaped. Lots of muddy bicyclists coming in and out. I was expecting a gravel path so wore regular sneakers, but the trail was very muddy so we decided instead to drive to the main park area with paved parking. It's a very nice park similar to Greenlake. We started at the off-leash area so the pups could get some energy out, then walked around the lake . There was a good amount of algae along the shore so didn't let them in the water. All in all a good walk. We had après beers at Chuckanut and Garden Path and also discovered a couple local bakeries. Yum!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Baker Lake Trail to Maple Grove

 August 25, 2024

Took the puppers on an 8 mile in and out hike to Maple Grove via Baker Lake Trail. With an elevation gain of 500'  and access to the east shore of Baker Lake this was a perfect one for Toby. The campground had several campsites with fire pits and picnic tables under the shade of many trees. Great spot and just a few other hikers relaxing around the area when we arrived.

Toby loves standing in lakes

Sunbathing ssssnake
Sunbathing sssssnake
We'll get us all looking at the camera one day

We didn't do après at Birdsview Brewing this time around because we missed the turn and also because we spent too much time passing people and didn't want to lose all that progress! Ah well, but glad I've been there before to have a beer and check out the unique building.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Makapu'u Point Lighthouse Trail - Oahu, HI

May 26, 2024

A sunrise hike to Lanikai Pillbox sounded like a good idea, but even on vacation (especially a short one) and even with the promise of a gorgeous sunrise, getting out of bed at 4:00 am was a big ask... so I didn't.

Instead, we woke up at a reasonable time and drove to Makapu'u Point Lighthouse Trailhead. The paved TH and shoulder to the parking lot were already full when we arrived at 7am, but with our good timing someone was just pulling out of their parking spot. Lucky us!

This in and out hike is along a well-maintained wide paved path. It's very popular and kid/dog-friendly. Probably one of the more easier hikes on the island, but with big rewards at the end. 

Along the way there are several dedicated viewpoints. You'll also find a quick side trail to see the old oil/storage shack. At the top there are ramps that lead you to several viewpoints.

View of the paved trail and ramp

Makapu'u Point Lighthouse

Lighthouse from main viewpoint. Can't actually go down there.

If you hang a left before the viewpoint ramp the paved trail will lead you to dirt trail up the hill to several pillboxes with more amazing and just as windy views.

Dirt trail

What am I doing? Probably air-drying.

Starfish "cactus" (foreground), Andy (background)

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Whistle Lake

Sunday, April 14

Toby is nearing 10 years old and his long legs have been a bit stiff lately so we took it easy on Sunday and hiked counterclockwise around Whistle Lake located within the Anacortes Community Forest Lands. I made sure to screenshot WTA's directions and map because the trail numbers and split offs can get confusing. No parking pass required and no toilet at the TH, but there's a nice looking one just before the lake.

Map at TH. Small font so hard to read. Recommend downloading a map.
Map at TH. Hard to read small font. Recommend downloading a map instead.

We generally followed the directions and ended up hiking ~4.5 miles. Toby took a dip in the lake while Mario watched from the edge. Actually it was an unexpected drop into the lake so Toby got soaked but was a good sport about it. Saw several groups heading out after a morning of fishing. The trail offered plenty of private areas to stop and have a picnic which we did not do. After hiking we decided to drive towards town to Harbin Dumplings. We ate outside under the sun amongst a few other food trucks and cute food shacks in a small, well-kept gravel parking lot with picnic tables and Adirondack chairs.

Mario sees Whistle Lake

Quick Sip

View from a bluff along the trail

Cool old map from 2007

Toby turned 10 and celebrated with a homemade turkey and sweet potato cake (only 1/4 of it though). 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Twin Falls (for reals)

March 17, 2024

Didn't want to waste a gorgeous weekend in March so we loaded up the pups and revisited Twin Lakes. Windy weather back in December made us turn back, so today we came back. Arrived at the trailhead at 9 AM and got a parking spot. No cars parked along the side of the road yet. Toilets at the trailhead. Discover Pass required.

Lovely hike along the river and in the wood. Some small muddy spots but it's bath day for Toby and Mario anyways. Plenty of access to water sources for the pups and easy access to the river for a paw wash on our way out.

We hiked to all 3 viewpoints. I liked the lower viewpoint the most.

The trees were fluffy with moss

Lower Falls Viewpoint

Family Photo @ Lower Falls Viewpoint

Upper Falls

Upper Falls #2

Trail Beer Time - Matchless' Warehouse in the Woods